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What Do I Do If I Am Charged With Sexual Assault?

What Do I Do If I Am Charged With Sexual Assault?

If you are charged with sexual assault, you need to work closely with a knowledgeable attorney. They will present you with several options to help you through the process. This can be a very hard time but it’s important to be open and honest with your attorney to find the path that is best for you. When looking for a sex crimes attorney in Philadelphia, turn to the team at Brennan Law Offices for the help that you need.

Proof of Innocence

If charges have been brought against you and you are innocent, the first step with the attorney is to provide proof of innocence. Being able to show that you were in a different location than the event that you are charged with can help the attorney show that you are not culpable. There are several ways to do this including security cam footage, receipts, phone records, and eyewitnesses who can place you at a certain location at a particular time. GPS can also play a role in proving that you were not at a particular location. Any of these things can help your legal case. It is not uncommon for an assault victim to misidentify their attacker. This can also be a time when DNA evidence can be helpful. If evidence was left on the victim or the crime scene, a simple test can clear your name.

Mental State at the Time of the Incident

Expect your attorney to ask about your mental state when the incident occurred. This can include having a mental breakdown at the time. In this case, there is the possibility that assault charges can be thrown out. There will also be questions about your alcohol and drug use. While this does not prevent you from being charged with sexual assault, it’s important for your attorney to know about it.

Proving Mutual Consent

Sometimes, following a sexual encounter, one of the parties may press charges. This can be out of anger or regret. In this case, the attorney must prove that one of the parties was submitted to sexual assault against their will. Proving mutual consent can seem difficult but it can be done. Again, this is another reason why it’s so important to be honest with your attorney. There may be questions about your behavior in the past. Character witnesses may also need to be called. This type of case is even more difficult if the victim is a minor.

Fight a Sexual Assault Charge

A sexual assault charge is a serious matter. You need an experienced, qualified attorney to help you through this process. It is definitely not something that you want to try to handle yourself. When looking for a Philadelphia criminal defense, call on the team at Brennan Law Offices. Our team of lawyers and staff will stand with you and build the best defense possible. If you find yourself in a difficult situation, call us and we will provide you with the help you need.

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