What Can I Do When I Believe I’m Being Targeted?
A leading Philadelphia criminal defense law firm maintains that attention from a law enforcement establishment is not typically something you wish to garner. That said, on certain occasions, you might be targeted by said entities.
Less commonly, you might be targeted by unscrupulous individuals holding specific prejudices. However, under different circumstances, you might be targeted for your knowledge of or suspected involvement in criminal activity.
Regardless of the reasons, the actions taken during this time could make all the difference in determining the ultimate outcome of such events.
Examples Of Targeting Behavior
Unfortunately, persons carrying biases are employed in many industries and law enforcement is no exception. Such subjects might unfairly target you on the basis of your race, ethnicity, religion, gender, or socioeconomic background.
However, in other events, police and other law enforcement agencies might classify you as an official target. This means legal entities like prosecutors have enough evidence against you suggesting your knowledge or involvement in some type of untoward act.
That said, targets of investigations from entities like federal authorities are typically notified of such circumstances through official documentation.
Actions To Take If You Believe You Are Being Targeted
Regardless of circumstances, you are advised to not make any rash or emotional decisions. Offering ill-advised or misinformed responses, acting angrily, or making accusations could worsen your troubles.
In actuality, the first action a Pennsylvania resident should take is to contact an experienced and skilled Philadelphia criminal lawyer.
Should you believe targeting resulted from prejudices, you are encouraged to discuss these feelings with your defense lawyer. In addition to disclosing your suspicions, you should provide any evidence suggesting racially motivated actions like insulting statements or intimidating behaviors.
Your defense lawyer could then engage in efforts like investigating the officer or department’s past history and research if others experienced similar treatments.
If targeted by a prosecutor, your defense lawyer can advise you of the most appropriate ensuing actions to engage in. Oftentimes, target letters contain information regarding what authorities request from the intended recipient. For example, the government might ask the target to provide information.
An astute defense attorney might be able to negotiate a deal where you receive immunity from eventual prosecution should you cooperate with such demands.
Contacting Us
The Brennan Law Offices employs a team of attorneys capable of handling all types of targeting cases. For further information about us, please visit https://www.philadelphiacriminallaw.com/.