The Benefits Of Hiring A Reliable Detainer Lawyer
Landlords use unlawful detainer — more commonly known as “eviction” — to get residential or commercial tenants out of a property. This process impacts the lives of three million Americans annually.
If your landlord has an attorney, we recommend hiring a reliable detainer lawyer. After all, an experienced Philadelphia criminal defense attorney can help you even the playing field.
This article will discuss how a detainer lawyer can help you address your legal concerns. Read on to determine if it’s worth having one on your side.
1. Understand The Process
Protecting yourself from eviction may seem uncomplicated, but the process is nuanced and intricate. As a tenant, you must know your rights, prepare an answer to the lawsuit, and gather your defenses.
If this seems overwhelming for you, we recommend working with a detainer lawyer instead. Doing so can help you focus on more important matters, like being there for your family or employees during trying times.
2. Perform Necessary Tasks
Unlawful detainers are procedure-oriented cases. No matter how strong your defense is, you could easily lose the case because of one misstep. For this reason, it’s best to hire a detainer lawyer to help you perform all the tasks required to regain temporary possession of your property.
3. Legally Obtain Evidence
At times, defendants may gain access to evidence that can help win their case. However, if they’re tainted, they are typically inadmissible and cannot be used against another party. Working with the right legal team can help you legally gather key evidence for your case.
4. Enjoy Financial Gains
There are unlawful detainer scenarios that grant aggrieved tenants particular financial gains. For instance, the court may instruct a landlord to cover the costs of a tenant’s legal representation. Depending on your case, your lawyer can create the ideal defense to get as much financial reparation as possible.
5. Open Negotiations
No matter how challenging your professional relationship with your landlord is, an eviction might not be the ideal solution for either of you. If you have a reliable detainer lawyer on your side, you can get their help negotiating with your landlord. This may be a simpler, less expensive alternative to a lawsuit.
Find A Reliable Detainer Lawyer Near You
A reliable Philadelphia detainer lawyer offers so many advantages that allow you to focus your energy where it is needed most. If you’re facing eviction and your landlord has hired an attorney, we recommend getting one, too.
However, not all lawyers are the same. Choose experienced professionals to represent you, like the ones from Brennan Law Offices.
At Brennan Law, we’ve been serving the needs of tenants from Philadelphia and throughout Pennsylvania for over 25 years now. We know the law, the city, and its courts. If you need help defending your rights as a tenant, we’re here to help.
Call us at 215-568-1400 for a free legal consultation.