5 Most Common Gun Charges In Philadelphia
Gun charges should never be taken lightly, as they could result in a fine and incarceration. If you’ve been charged with one of these most common gun charges in the city of Philadelphia, a criminal defense lawyer can help.
1. Carrying a Firearm Without a License
Possessing a firearm without a license is a common gun-related crime in Philadelphia. You can be charged with this crime if you are carrying a gun on your person or inside your vehicle.
The severity of the penalties you’ll face for committing this crime will depend on your eligibility for a license. Individuals already eligible for a permit may be charged with a first-degree misdemeanor. If you’re caught with an unlicensed firearm and you’re not qualified to hold a license, the police will likely charge you with a third-degree felony.
2. Carrying Firearms on Public Streets or Public Property
You’re not allowed to wander around public streets and other types of public property in Philadelphia unless you have a valid license. Anyone guilty of committing this crime may be charged with a first-degree misdemeanor.
Exceptions to this law are carved out for specific individuals. Those individuals include but are not limited to members of law enforcement and the military, individuals traveling to or from target practice if their firearms are not loaded, individuals taking unloaded firearms home after legally purchasing them, and more.
3. Illegal Transportation of a Firearm
Transporting a firearm in Philadelphia can become a crime if you’re not legally allowed to own one. Typically, a person on probation for a prior offense is prohibited from possessing a firearm, so transporting one is also considered a criminal offense. You may also be barred from owning and transporting a firearm if you have been charged with certain crimes.
Charges for illegally transporting a firearm could range from a first-degree misdemeanor to a first-degree felony. Work closely with a Philadelphia, PA criminal attorney if you’ve been falsely accused of illegally transporting a firearm.
4. Illegal Sale of a Firearm
Firearm sellers must meet specific requirements to complete their transactions without violating any laws. These requirements include waiting at least 48 hours from when an application for purchase was submitted to deliver the firearm. The firearm should also be wrapped and unloaded when it is delivered.
Anyone guilty of this crime can be hit with charges ranging from a second-degree misdemeanor to a third-degree felony.
5. Illegal Possession of a Firearm with an Altered Manufacturer’s Number
A firearm with an altered manufacturer’s number can prove difficult to trace if it is ever used in a crime. That’s why Philadelphia laws prohibit individuals from possessing firearms with altered serial numbers. You can be hit with a second-degree felony if you are deemed guilty of this crime.
Seek Legal Assistance from a Philadelphia Criminal Defense Attorney
The consequences of gun-related crimes in Philadelphia are not to be taken lightly. Often, gun-related charges are associated with other criminal charges. Whether you need a gun lawyer or a Philadelphia drug lawyer, we’re here for you. Contact us today to get the representation you deserve.