Breath tests are one way that the authorities determine if a driver or pedestrian is under the influence of alcohol. They are simple tests that require only a few deep breaths and for you to blow into the testing instrument.
A breath test isn’t always accurate, but, for the most part, they are and can be used in court. Given this, the results of such tests can play a significant part in DUI cases. Also, refusing to take a breath test could cost a person their driver’s license immediately.
So, there are some things it can be important to understand about breath tests.
4 facts about breath tests you need to know
- A breath test shows the total alcohol in your blood by testing the amount exhaled in your breath. That doesn’t mean that any test you have is going to be accurate. To start with, certain factors, like if you’ve had a drink recently or used mouthwash containing alcohol, could throw off the test. That’s why the officer should take two tests for verification. If the tests aren’t within .02 percent of one another, there could be a problem with the breathalyzer or how the test is being given.
- Another thing to keep in mind is that Breathalyzers have to be calibrated. One that hasn’t gone through calibration is likely not working appropriately and could give a poor reading. When your BAC is close to the legal limit, it is all the more important that the Breathalyzer is working accurately, since it could register too high otherwise and lead to a charge you don’t deserve.
- Breath tests aren’t the only evidence in DUI cases. Officers may collect other evidence, like roadside sobriety test results, to use against you in court as well.
- Breath tests aren’t always entered in court. As evidence, breath tests are risky at best. If they have a variance in readings, a person’s .07 percent BAC could come up as .08 or .09 percent, leading to charges the individual doesn’t deserve. Normally, a breath test is not the only evidence used, but it is used to help confirm an officer’s suspicions. It may in your best interests to try to get the results of the test thrown out when circumstance were present such being pulled over without cause or being given the test incorrectly.
With help, DUI charges can be fought. A breath test doesn’t guarantee a conviction for the authorities.